Mud Safe CR®: A Caustic Alternative
Until we introduced Mud Safe CR®, there have been no safe replacements for the dangerous caustics used in modern mud systems and frac fluid systems. Heartland Energy Group, Ltd. recognized, developed and has introduced the world’s only synthetic caustic alternative. Mud Safe CR® can be used to maintain or increase pH. Mud Safe CR® will precipitate magnesium and suppress calcium in high hardness waters. It will also reduce corrosion and neutralize acid gases such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide. Mud Safe CR® is also extremely durable in cold temperatures and is freeze-thaw stable. The risk of severe caustic-based burns and the need for personal protective equipment are greatly reduced. At last, there is a safe alternative to caustics.
Mud Safe CR® is non corrosive, non hazardous, non US DOT regulated and 100% biodegradable. Mud Safe CR® carries a hazardous materials index score of triple zero. This caustic alternative has undergone rigorous DOT testing protocols and has proven to be non-destructive and to not cause irreversible alterations in human skin tissue. In a modified Draize testing procedure, Mud Safe CR® scored as a “non-skin irritant”, making it safer than any other alternatives on the market.
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Features and Benefits
- Effectively increases pH
- Effectively precipitates magnesium
- 100% Biodegradable
- Non-destructive on human skin tissue
- Non-skin irritant; Will not cause burns
- Metal safe formula
- Can be used in most drilling fluids
- Extremely durable in cold temperatures
- No disposal of caustic soda bags
- Neutralizes acid gases such as carbon dioxide and hydrogen sulfide
- Does not donate the sodium ion
- A great replacement for NaOH and KOH in crosslinked systems
- Excellent buffer for frac fluid systems
- Great stability performance in high temperature and high pressure fluidsystems
Excited to learn more? Call (877) 797-2811 or send an email for details.
Proudly providing global caustic alternatives for otherwise harmful solutions.